Issues and Tonality of Václav Klaus’ Public Speeches


Research on political speeches is often done in countries with strong presidential powers, typically in the USA. However, political speeches by presidents are also a critical method of influencing public opinion in the Czech Republic. Therefore this article is focused on the analysis of speeches of the former President of the Czech Republic, Václav Klaus. Our research is based on a combination of quantitative and qualitative content analysis of Klaus’ speeches (thematic units are used as the unit of analysis) found on his website ( in the period from 1995 to the end of his presidency, March 2013 (N = 470). We aim to identify the changing structure of political issues in Klaus’ speeches and changes in Klaus’ position on those issues, and to uncover any characteristic features of his speeches (the use of personal pronouns, the role of the speaker, the tone of the speech, etc.).

political speech; rhetoric; content analysis; Vaclav Klaus; political issues





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